Erinn Perry

Love Richmond? Tell us why and receive invites to exclusive events and more.

Why do you love Richmond? 

The history, the art, the culture, the river - it's an inviting city with TONS of stuff to do!

What’s your favorite thing to do in Richmond?

The VMFA, for sure. A world class art museum with an amazing collection - and it's free!

What do you do here?

I'm a business analyst working out in Short Pump. I'm also the (voluntary) volunteer coordinator at Richmond Triangle Players. (Anyone want to join my list of ushers?)

What’s your favorite restaurant?

So hard to choose! So many options! If I have to pick just one, probably Graffiato. Great variety, ever changing menu, sharing encouraged.

What would you tell somebody who has never been to Richmond before?

Come visit! You won't be bored!

What's your favorite store?

Mongrel, no doubt.

How do you spend your free time?

Going to plays, visiting museums, wandering the JRPS, strolling through Carytown...

What's your favorite neighborhood?

Again, tough call - I probably spend most of my time in Carytown and the Museum District.

How do you describe your community?
