Ellen and Israel

Ellen and Israel. Photo by Micheal Simon Photography.

Ellen and Israel. Photo by Micheal Simon Photography.

To Ellen Shaver, family means kinship. From marriage to blood relationships, she says it can be someone you're close to.

"I had MRSA in 2009 and came out publicly in 2010 as a transgender person. I have NEVER thought to go back. In fact, being out has kept me alive. I'm more or less a “Single Mom.” My son is the most entertaining child I have ever met," Ellen says.

"He has Asperger's syndrome, and that doesn't stop him. His ability to make costumes is truly a unique talent."

What is a family?  The Valentine's current exhibit "One Love: LGBT Families" asks this question.  In partnership with OutRVA and Michael Simon Photography, the exhibit runs through September 4, 2017.